July 31st, 2024

Roca Group ventures into digital health and invests in the third CRB Health Tech fund

The company demonstrates its interest in innovative digital technologies, aiming to explore possibilities for adaptation to the bathroom.


With this move, the company demonstrates its interest in innovative digital technologies, aiming to explore possibilities for adaptation to the bathroom.


Roca Group has joined the third fund of CRB Health Tech (formerly Inverbío). This fund, named CRB Digital Health III, is the first European fund dedicated exclusively to digital health in Spain, focusing on acquiring stakes in companies within this sector. The company is making this investment through Roca Group Ventures, its vehicle for investing in startups and innovative projects.

With a contribution of one million euros to the fund, Roca Group demonstrates its interest in innovative digital technologies and areas of artificial intelligence that enhance people’s lives and could be applicable to health in the bathroom in the near future.

CRB Health Tech is known for its two previous funds in the biotechnology and medical device sectors. With the launch of this third fund, it completes its transition towards digital health, an area in which it already has an extensive track record. In addition to Roca Group, the fund includes other prominent investors such as Sanitas in the insurance sector, CBNK in the financial sector, and Cantabria Labs, Aldo Union, and Tiselab in the pharmaceutical industry. It is also supported by the City Council of Barcelona and numerous family offices and individual investors.


About CRB Health Tech

CRB Health Tech (formerly CRB Inverbío) is an independent private venture capital management firm that manages funds investing in innovative technology-based companies in the life sciences sector, particularly in the areas of Biomedicine, Medical Technologies, and Digital Health.