June 5th, 2024

The SBTi validates Roca Group's near-term emissions reduction targets

Roca Group has committed to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 and scope 3 emissions 25% within the same timeframe.

  • Roca Group has committed to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 and scope 3 emissions 25% within the same timeframe.


Roca Group has received approval for its near-term science-based emissions reduction targets from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

Following an iconic year in sustainability for the group, in which it announced the launch of the first electric tunnel kiln in the industry, as well as a new specific circularity roadmap, Roca Group continues to advance its commitment to the environment and climate action by aligning its emissions reduction targets with the criteria and recommendations of the SBTi.

Specifically, Roca Group has committed to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 42% by 2030 from a 2021 base year. Furthermore, the group has also committed to reduce absolute scope 3 GHG emissions 25% within the same timeframe. The target boundary includes biogenic land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.

SBTi has classified Roca Group’s scope 1 and 2 target ambition as in line with a 1.5°C trajectory above pre-industrial levels. Climate science considers that global warming must not exceed 1.5°C above pre-industrial temperatures to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

The SBTi is as a collaboration between the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), the United Nations Global Compact, the We Mean Business Coalition, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), that mobilizes the private sector to take the lead on urgent climate action, promoting the establishment of ambitious corporate GHG reduction targets aligned with the Paris Agreement and the latest climate science data. SBTi has already validated the decarbonization targets of over 5,400 organizations and has more than 8,300 committed entities.

Roca Group continues to lead ceramic-sanitary decarbonization as a key pillar of its business strategy. Regarding this, Albert Magrans, CEO of Roca Group, has stated: "At Roca Group, we do not understand industrial and business activity without a sustainable foundation. This approach allows us not only to stay ahead of environmental regulatory requirements but also to make a significant contribution to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."

"Sustainability is taking us very far in terms of innovation and business. Without this approach to our activity, we would have never developed pioneering technology like that of the electric tunnel kiln," added Carlos Velázquez, Sustainability Director of the group.


About the Science Based Targets initiative

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) is a corporate climate action organization that enables companies and financial institutions worldwide to play their part in combating the climate crisis.

The SBTi develops standards, tools and guidance which allow companies to set greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reductions targets in line with what is needed to keep global heating below catastrophic levels and reach net-zero by 2050 at latest.

The SBTi is incorporated as a charity, with a subsidiary which hosts the target validation services. The SBTi partners are CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the We Mean Business Coalition, the World Resources Institute (WRI), and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
